Inflammatory Nose Reconstructive Rhinoplasty in Korea

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Inflammatory Nose Reconstructive Rhinoplasty in Korea

the plus rhinoplasty IN kOREA

Inflammatory Nose (Acute/Chronic) Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

Understanding Inflammatory Nose Surgery

Inflammatory nose surgery is a procedure performed when a prosthesis pierces the nose or pus is discharged post-surgery. In East Asian nose surgeries, where the use of prosthetics is high, failure to properly address all types of inflammation can lead to serious side effects and complications. Therefore, The Plus Plastic Surgery prioritizes minimizing the occurrence of inflammation through comprehensive preventative measures and timely treatment when inflammation occurs.

Causes of Inflammatory Nose

1. Smoking or drinking after nose surgery.
2. Hypersensitive reaction of the body’s immune system.
3. Stress.
4. Skin immune responses such as rosacea and keloid.

Inflammatory Nose Surgery Method

1. Removal and washing of prosthesis.
2. Taking antibiotics for 1~2 weeks.
3. Appropriate disinfection and use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
4. Cessation of smoking and drinking.

Case Studies: Before and After Inflammatory Nose Surgery


See more before and after surgery photos.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is inflammatory nose reconstructive rhinoplasty at THE PLUS PS in Gangnam, Korea?

Inflammatory nose reconstructive rhinoplasty at THE PLUS PS is a specialized surgical procedure aimed at addressing complications such as prosthesis piercing or pus discharge following nose surgery. This procedure is critical for managing inflammation effectively in cases involving prosthetics, particularly in East Asian nose surgeries.

How does THE PLUS PS in Gangnam prevent inflammation post-nose surgery?

THE PLUS PS focuses on minimizing the risk of inflammation through comprehensive preventative measures, such as advising against smoking and drinking post-surgery, addressing hypersensitive immune responses, and managing skin conditions. The clinic also offers timely treatment involving prosthesis removal and washing, antibiotic administration, and appropriate use of anti-inflammatory medication.

What should patients consider before undergoing inflammatory nose surgery in Korea?

Before undergoing inflammatory nose surgery in Korea at THE PLUS PS, patients should consider adhering to pre-operative instructions such as cessation of smoking and drinking to reduce inflammation risk. They should also discuss their medical history, including any hypersensitive reactions and skin conditions, with their surgeon to customize their treatment plan effectively.